What are the consequences if the gap between the needle plates of the double-sided machine is not appropriate? How much should be banned?

Optimal Needle Disc Gap Adjustment for Smooth Double-Sided Machine Operation

Learn how to fine-tune the needle disc gap in double jersey knitting machines to prevent damage and improve efficiency. Discover the best practices for maintaining precision and avoiding common issues.

Efficiency and quality in the knitting industry hinge on the meticulous adjustment of the needle disc gap in double-sided machines. This guide delves into the critical aspects of needle disc gap management and offers practical solutions to common challenges.

Understanding Needle Disc Gap Issues

Gap Too Small: A gap less than 0.05mm can lead to friction and potential damage during high-speed operation.

Gap Too Large: Exceeding 0.3mm can cause spandex thread to jump out during knitting and lead to broken needle hooks, especially during the weaving of the bottom fabric.

The Impact of Gap Inconsistency

Uneven gaps can trigger a cascade of problems, affecting the machine's performance and the quality of the fabric produced.

Adjustment Structures for Needle Disc Gaps

Ring-Type Shim Adjustment: This method ensures precision and is recommended for maintaining the optimal gap, aligning with the standards of high-grade knitting machines.

Integrated Structure: While convenient, this method may not offer the same level of precision, potentially leading to fabric defects.

Best Practices for Gap Adjustment

Regular inspections using a 0.15mm feeler gauge can help maintain the needle disc gap within the recommended range.

For new machines, thorough checks are essential to ensure the needle disc gap adjustment structure meets industry standards.

Striving for Precision

Domestic models are encouraged to enhance their precision error control to match the 0.03mm standard of imported high-grade knitting machines.

By adhering to these best practices, manufacturers can

significantly reduce the occurrence of issues during the weaving process, thereby enhancing production efficiency and fabric quality. For further assistance or detailed technical documentation, feel free to reach out.

Don't let needle disc gap issues hinder your production process. Contact us today for expert advice and solutions tailored to your knitting machine needs.


Post time: Aug-27-2024